Urine Digester – Mystic Rain 3.78L


Bio-Enzymatic Urine Digester works around the
clock, as long as there is a food source of urine, feces or any organics in the grout, sub floor, walls or
other surfaces.
Apply Urine Digester once a day during regular
cleaning schedules. The residual biologicals will
continue to work all day. Urine Digester penetrates
deep into the grout and sub floor where a bulk of
the urine is located. The bacteria will actually “SEEK
OUT” the deeply embedded urine.
Urine Digester contains an odor counteractant
with a light fragrance that can last up to 24 hours.
The fragrance can easily be “matched up” with other
cleaning products used in a RESTROOM PROGRAM.


SKU: NIL-128ZMR Category:

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