5 Problems and Solutions for Disposing Feminine Products in a Public Washroom
Going to the restroom can be a scary experience. You worry about the germs you might catch and the smells that waft up your nose. Clean Spot wants to make your trip to the washroom a clean, worry-free one. Garbage bags, hand dryers and cleaning chemicals are part of what makes your commercial restroom a hygienic space but for a woman, there is more to it.
It’s that time of the month and you have to go to work, meaning you need to use the public washroom in the building. What’s the problem?
1. Germs
Women and janitorial staff get exposed to harmful bacteria and blood-borne pathogens every time they use the restroom. Stall receptacles are typically lined with a wax brown paper. This lining does not cover enough surface and leaks can cause bodily fluids to seep around the container.
Throwing away a pad or tampon can be a tricky situation. You don’t want to come into contact with other people’s feminine products (yuck) but need to somehow fit yours in with the other uncovered items.
Janitorial staff have to throw out the bags inside the receptacle and put in new ones. Getting rid of these bags may seem easy. They are often left overflowing making it difficult for cleaners to take away the liners without touching the contents inside. The cleaning staff may need to take extra time to use tongs, picking out items piece by piece which takes productive hours away.
2. Odours
You open the receptacle to throw away your feminine product. As soon as you do this, you get hit by the unpleasant smell that comes from air born bacteria. No one wants to smell this and often times the smells extend into the rest of the washroom. As soon as you dispense of your pad or tampon, others become aware of what you are doing from the odours alone. This is embarrassing.
3. Eyesore
No one wants to see garbage let alone used feminine products. When opening the disposal bins in washrooms there seems to be no other choice.
4. Costs
Using a traditional paper bag as a liner can create further problems such as high cost. By using this kind of system, you may be putting your hard-earned company money into plumbing. Women will do anything they can to avoid using these old school disposal systems and instead flush their sanitary items down the toilet. Flushing these items clog toilets causing pipe blockage and overflowing toilets. Now you need to close down the restroom and wait for a plumber to repair the damage. Great!
5. Pollution
Flushing tampons and pads down the toilet harms the environment. These products do not disintegrate in the sewer system. What does this mean? Disposal of these items in this way restricts the flow of wastewater which can result in overflow.
So, what is the solution to all these problems?
Get sensible with Scensibles®, a hygienic disposal system. Are you having trouble finding where to purchase this product? Clean Spot makes it easy for you by readily offering this as a solution.
1. Germs
There is less risk of coming into contact with germs when Scensibles® gets put into place. The polyliner bags can be closed, keeping germs sealed in. There are instructions on the bag making it easy for someone to use them. No excuses, it’s a simple process.
2. Odours
The odours are no longer prevalent since the handle-tie closures help completely enclose the contents. Now there is no embarrassment with other washroom users knowing (smelling) that it’s your “time of the month”.
3. Eyesore
You do not have to see other people’s unsightly used pads and tampons with this new system.
4. Costs
The washroom maintenance cost goes down. Scensibles® makes it less likely that you need to call a plumber. This product makes it more convenient for women to dispose of their feminine items.
5. Pollution
Scensibles® gets produced with a minimum of 20% recycled plastic material, keeping the environment in better standing. People are unlikely to flush pads and tampons down the toilet now that there is a safer, healthier way to dispose of these items. This product helps keep waterways clear of negative issues that can affect the population as a whole.
Start ensuring the washroom in your building is a clean environment for everyone. Next time you are audited by OSHA you will be relaxed knowing you are doing everything you can to keep your employees safe and your company’s cleaning budget balanced.
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